Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Nikko Shrine and Edo Wonderland

Today we went to Nikko shrine and learned some history inside of Utsunomiya and were surprised by the beautiful art work of the architecture. Nikko shrine had some amazing insights on Shintoism and taught us the proper way to pray, wash our bad luck, and respect the worshiped under Shintoism. The architecture was amazing too. When one of the famous shoguns fell, they buried him on top of 207 steps of stone. During the pray in the temple there was a bell, so you had to bow twice, clapped twice, bow again, then pray.
After Nikko shrine we went to Edo wonderland which was like taking a step back into time during the Edo period with Shoguns, merchants, blacksmiths, museums, and the theater arts. It was especially fun because we made a new friend with a Teikyo student name Akuana Chan. She translated a lot for us we all had a blast learning how life was like back in the Edo time period.

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